Company Policies

Safety & Health

MIAC attaches great importance to Occupational Safety and Health and has set a goal for its continuous improvement, always taking into account the employees, associates and any third parties who may be affected by its operations. To reach this goal, the company has designed and implemented an occupational safety and health management system in accordance with the Laws and Regulations on Occupational Safety and Health and the requirements of the international standard ISO 45001:2018.

To achieve this the company has set the following objectives:

  • Creating and maintaining a safe and healthy environment and eliminating conditions that could lead to activities with serious adverse effects.
  • Planning and execution of all tasks giving priority and great importance to the Safety and Health of employees, associates and other stakeholders so that it carries out all its activities without accidents.
  • Full compliance with relevant legislation.
  • Continuous training, development of competence and evaluation of personnel in the use of machinery and equipment, in the use of chemicals and in the manual handling of cargo and its continuous awareness in matters of Safety and Health at work.
  • Conduct risk assessment studies for decision making in prevention and protection measures.
  • Provide all staff with all of the necessary equipment, information and training to carry out their work without accidents.
  • Have available to staff and any third party deemed necessary, all the necessary means of personal protection and training in their use, storage and maintenance.

All staff within the company have the responsibility to take all the necessary measures and precautions for the safety and health of themselves and any other persons who may be affected by the work of the company.

The management of the company are responsible for reporting accidents, occupational diseases and dangerous events that may occur in its workplace.

The company safety and health policy is available to all stakeholders and is constantly monitored so that it remains relevant and appropriate to the company.


MIAC is committed to reducing its impact on the environment. We strive to improve our environmental performance and launch additional projects and activities that will further reduce the impact on the environment.

Our commitment to the environment extends to our clients, our staff and the community in which we operate.


MIAC’s policy encourages and welcomes diversity, equality and inclusion amongst its workforce, eliminating unlawful discrimination. The aim is for the workforce to be truly representative of all sections of society, including its clients.  In providing services, MIAC is also committed against unlawful discrimination of clients or the public.


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In the event of any discrepancy between the version of a document obtained from this website and the designated official version, the designated official version is the authoritative one. 

Links to external sites are provided for the user’s convenience and do not constitute or imply their endorsement, recommendation or favouring.

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